after a long day of fighting the radical homosexuals, I just feel exhausted.

Tonight, after a long day of fighting the radical homosexuals, I just feel exhausted.

Beaten down, wrung out, and worn to the bone.

This year has been especially difficult -- and the Homosexual Lobby is more intimidating than ever.

After the U.S. Supreme Court ushered in Homosexual "marriage," the radical Homosexual Lobby quickly moved their focus to destroying Religious Liberty and implementing dangerous "transgender bathrooms" policies across the nation.

And it wasn't that long ago the radical Homosexual Lobby rammed the Gay Bill of Special Right's predecessor through the Senate back in 2013.

But luckily your Public Advocate was able to stop it in the House that year.

You see, the Homosexual Lobby just passed their crown-jewel legislation -- the Gay Bill of Special Rights (H.R. 5 & S. 788) -- in the House, thanks to anti-Family champion House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and eight weak-kneed "conservatives."

Now you and I must stop it in the Senate just like we did in the House back in 2013.

But when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the radical left keeps hitting new lows in their war on Christianity.

The Homosexual Lobby and the leftist media even blamed the heinous attack by a radical Islamic terrorist group on Christians -- and used it as a rallying cry for full passage of the Homosexual Agenda. 

They're using government bureaucrats to force Christian business owners to participate in homosexual "wedding" ceremonies against their will.

I see agents of the radical left every day. They dare me to stand in their way. They laugh and brag that they have the power to pass any legislation they want.

And now with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's new Democrat majority in the House making the decisions, the radical homosexuals are confident they can twist the arms of conservatives into supporting their agenda.

I wonder if Sheila and the children should be here. It wasn't all that long ago that I had to send my family away to a safe house.

What does it say when a ruthless adversary would rather attack my family than face me? I'll never forget that.

My friend, without your support during this time, I'm not sure I will be able to manage things

I know God has not given up on our families. I won't either. I pray for your encouragement.

Never have the Homosexual Lobby and their allies been so vicious, so powerful, and so well-financed. 

They have been strolling through the halls of Congress handing out campaign contributions like sweet candy, and even some so-called "conservative" Congressmen have taken the bait.

It's just sad to watch. And trust me, people are watching. 

When Congressmen and Senators see the power and riches of the radical homosexuals, they get tempted. You'd be surprised how many politicians are already bought and paid for.

Some of their allies hold key positions in Congress, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the radical homosexuals are moving rapidly to pass their perverse agenda into law.

Like serpents with apples, agents of the Homosexual Lobby are in the shadows, making deals and issuing threats.

And those who ignore their siren call are risking their political lives. My friend, I see what is happening. And I am afraid.

Because when I return home from work long after midnight, I feel like I am trying to hold back the forces of the tide.

This is a time when, if we are not careful, everything we have worked for could fall apart. I am speaking to you from the heart. This time, we are facing an enemy who is riding high and hungry for victims.

And they'll have their fill if we don't act. The Homosexual Lobby's momentum has emboldened them to take their agenda even further.

They are fighting to purge Christianity from America. 

And now the Gay Bill of Special Rights (H.R. 5 & S. 788), the Homosexual Classrooms Act, the Erase Real Marriage Act (H.R. 94) and a host of other radical homosexual legislation could become the new law of the land.

I'm nearly at the breaking point.

So I am coming to you, asking for help like never before

I am asking you to put it on the line for what we believe in.

I am asking you for the strength to carry on.

Because what we are doing has never been so necessary, so important. 

And never have the odds been so stacked against us.

At the beginning of this note, I told you how down and tired I have been. 

And it's true

But when things are at their worst, when I just can't take another step, I think about what Nancy Pelosi, David Cicilline, Tammy Baldwin, Susan Collins and all the other pro-homosexual Congressmen and Senators want to do to America. 

I think about the Gay Bill of Special Rights and what it will do to religious freedom and our children's safety if it passes in the Senate.

My friend, this is the same bill we've been fighting every legislative session for decades.

And now pro-homosexual Democrats are more fired up than ever to finally pass it in the Senate now that it's been rammed through the House.

The Homosexual Lobby has successfully rammed the Gay Bill of Special Rights through the Senate before, and they are desperate to do it again.

And we can't count on weak-kneed Republicans in the Senate to halt the radical Homosexual Lobby's attempts to sneak through the Gay Bill of Special Rights this year.

You and I have seen how the Homosexual Lobby will stop at nothing. And I know what their victory will do to the families of America.

When I'm exhausted, I reflect on how I will feel if I don't do everything in my power to stop them. I would never be able to forgive myself -- or look my children in the eye.

And then, from somewhere, I get the energy to carry on -- to go forward. And I rejoin the battle

So now, I am coming to you. The simple truth is that I can't do this alone. 

So now you have a choice to make.

Will you CLICK HERE and join me in taking a stand?

You and I have a chance to make history, to stop the Homosexual Lobby just as everything seems lost.

No one thinks we can do it. Some so-called Washington "conservatives" have already given up.

But I will not compromise. I will not "cut deals" with the enemies of the American Family. 

Never, under any circumstances!

I will do what is right and I will always keep my promise to you.

We may lose a fight or two, but with you standing by my side, I know we will make it in the end. 

And now the rest is up to you, for our financial situation is incredibly delicate.

As you know, we have never had the financial resources of the Homosexual Lobby.

We don't have the limousines, the plush offices, the tens of millions of dollars from the Hollywood elites or the tax dollars that they have at their disposal.

But that's fine.

Because I have always said that with family, faith and hard work, we can move mountains. 

And in the past, we've done just that. 

But now, we are dangerously low on money. And without an emergency gift from you today, our work will be in serious jeopardy.

So can I count on you to make a special, one-time gift to my office?

If you could give $25 right now, it would really make a huge difference.

Things are so serious that I don't know what to do -- except to turn to prayer, and to you. 

So please, give what you can. Even $15 or $10 would be such a special surprise -- a godsend.

I know what a sacrifice this is. Believe me, if I could pay for this on my own, I would.

But the truth is, I don't have the money, so I am coming to you with open hands. 

This is a struggle for all of us to be a part of. So whatever you can afford, please send it in immediately.

$25, $15, $10 or any amount you can manage -- I need it badly. 

No matter how discouraged I become at times, I know that what we are doing is important. I know that we are on the right side.

We are leading this fight; we are on the line -- together.

The Homosexual Lobby is bragging that passage of the Gay Bill of Special Rights in the Senate is inevitable, and they swear they'll pass the Erase Real Marriage Act and the Homosexual Classrooms Act next -- one right after another. 

These three pieces of legislation will force perverse homosexual lifestyles on our schools, churches and military.

I have devoted everything I have to this battle and, at times in the past, even risked my life. My family has made many great sacrifices too.

You have trusted me, sacrificed to keep our work going, and I will never forget what you have done. 

Thank you, and thank God. 

This is our time to stand tall! 

Join me, and we will make history.

God Bless You. 

For the Family,
Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. The Homosexual Lobby is boasting about their plan to ram their Homosexual Agenda through Congress. 

This is a crisis. We don't have any time to lose. 

This is the battle of a lifetime. 

Your maximum gift and prayers are more important now than ever before


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